Monday, January 29, 2007

Let's combine our strengths

The Movement for National Development (MND) calls for the immediate commencement of talks among all political parties in Trinidad and Tobago opposed to the ruling PNM with the view of working out their differences and forming one body to contest the next general elections.

Trinidad and Tobago is faced not only with a deteriorating crime situation but with gross mismanagement of our resources both human and natural.

The fact is that never before in my lifetime have I witnessed such discontent and loathing expressed at a government in Trinidad and Tobago.

However, unless there is a genuine coming together in the interest of the citizens of this Blessed Country, there is little or no prospect of the ruling PNM being dislodged in the next election.

We recognize that each of the party groupings will have leaders who see themselves as future prime ministers and to some that might be their only agenda, but in truth none of their ambitions are likely to be achieved at this juncture of our political development and certainly not by going it alone.

In any event the good of the nation must be the paramount consideration NOT the sectoral interest of any one group or person.

The stakes are far too high to take a chance with the future of this nation. Also and most importantly, it is clear from the opinion polls that this what the citizens want since the population too is more mature in its judgment than it is often given credit for.

We have, each of us, to put aside our political differences in the interests of the Country, since unless we do Trinidad & Tobago will simply decline into a state of anarchy, as the PNM returns to power with an even more dictatorial and callous approach than we have seen already.

We cannot afford to have our brothers and sisters to continue to be murdered, kidnapped, raped, intimidated and fearful. We cannot afford to have our resources plundered and given away to foreigners to detriment of our own citizens. We cannot continue to allow our schools to be places of abuse and violation rather than places of learning. We cannot allow our health system to be a slush fund for the family and friends of government officials whilst the poor continue to suffer daily for proper medical attention. We simply cannot continue on this path.

We are perilously close to the edge right now, and unless some kind of credible accommodation is formed between all the parties, and fairly quickly at that, then we are all doomed to failure.

Never in our history has an upcoming election been so critical to the development of our Country, and we owe it to the vast majority of law abiding citizens to heed their call, and work together to try and create a better future for our children.

Garvin Nicholas

Political Leader

Movement for National Development

868 685-1403


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe that I've never seen, at least in my lifetime, so many Trinis rising up, and voicing their opinions. But alas, they all fall on deaf ears, as the Gov't and other arms of the law and social services just do what suits themselves. Change must come from within, and it may very well come drastically. We owe it to ourselves to take back out country.

January 29, 2007 6:30 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe firmly that it is time for a regime change in T&T. Lately, I have been feeling a surge in awareness, which is a great feeling, that we must now carry through to the fabric of the country. Whilst I believe that there are some good intentions held by the current government, there seems to be a certain condescending attitude that pervades their ranks. A "federation" of sorts will be useful in minimising the over-inflation of egos, once the balance is struck. For there to be a true united front, not only does MND have to convince other political entities of their mission and the viability of such, but the harder and more pertinent task of gaining the trust of the population, through deliverance, honesty and intuitive governance. Trinidad & Tobago is crying out and the idea of combining strengths is a great one. Trinidad is too small for party politics, time for the people to take charge, elect a leader who is at one with the pulse of our country and work towards salvaging our people from the destructive clutches of over-zealous capitalists.

January 30, 2007 9:37 am


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