Sunday, August 03, 2008

Medusa's Prophecy



4 shots, 4 bodies - 4 less drug kingpins! As a society, we have some gratitude to pay to the gun toters who are cleaning up our streets on behalf of the nation, street justice being the modern day version of Moses' law. Now if the police could only catch these midnight marksmen, Trinidad & Tobago may just about come off of the international crime radars currently alienating it from the global scene, unbeknownst to the Port of Spain oligarchy of course. They continue with the sinking of the capital under the weight of immigrant labour and their structural marvels.

It is excruciatingly depressing to witness the demise of our country, our treasured values and the systematic disintegration of the inherent respect that our islands fostered throughout our short history. So what are we doing about it?

Our elected government, as far as I am aware, is paid by us to manage the public purse so that our essential rights are protected. We PAY the salaries of governing officials, therefore, as THEIR boss, we the people should be making it clear that we are not happy with their callous mismanagement of our livelihoods, our country, our lives. Yet their seems to be a sordid perversion of roles in Trinidad & Tobago, where the "3-letter" gangs believe they are in the drivers seats. Our money is going to their pockets, neglecting the piggy-banks of the impoverished, neglecting the simple tenets of shelter, food and freedom of the people.

There will always be blame cast upon those who are paid to protect us, however, responsibility should also be placed upon the backs of all residents, law-abiding or not, those who turn a blind eye, whose social awareness is exercised in café styled newspaper gossip. As a citizenry, we are all responsible for our lands, turning a blind eye as destructive as aiding and abetting. So we need social campaigns! We need some movement, people in the street demanding that the authorities pull the rags out of their...ears, and clean up the bullshit politicking so that we are in a position to tackle the streets and reclaim our country. We have to demand transparency and accountability by the State - the Prime Minister, the President, the judges, lawyers, police officers, all those who are positioned to CLEAN UP TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. If you can march for a 1% pay increase, you can surely get out of your homes to march for security and safety.

Time to rid our small islands of the curse of medusa, the vicious cycle of pleb politics engulfing Parliament - panday gone, manning head pop up. chadee gone, "kojo" gone, countless other drug "lords" pop up. Seems those midnight marksmen not shooting fast enough! The prophecy shall continue once we're content to read about it instead of act upon it.

Sean Annandsingh


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