Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Time to take the bull by the horns

It seems that 'sweet' TnT is not sweet anymore, unless of course we could just turn off the TV, destroy all newspapers, pull the curtains over our eyes and just live in a bubble. And yet there are those in authority who continually insist that things are just great. Those who have the money can build higher gates and fences and hire security forces to drive in their nice cars in order to block out what's slowly but surely reaching their homes. This is all just a plaster covering our huge sore and it is a HUGE sore.

This didn't just happen overnight. Oh no! It has been happening for years, but no one took notice, and regardless of party affiliation, the fact is we're in a mess and no one knows how to fix things. The amazing thing is, we may be, economically, in the biggest boom of our history yet, socially, we're rotting.

So, what's the solution? More police? More vehicles so they can lose them? More hospitals so supplies can go missing, so that doctors can go on strike about unpaid wages? Bigger stadia? Free education? None of this is going to make any difference unless we, as a nation, know the value of what this all means.
The 'haves' and the 'have nots' are one and the same, both locked in a battle of greed, the 'nots' want what the 'haves' won't depart with, so there you have it, greed is killing us all. Clearly the Government doesn't care 'two cents' if we all kill each other, as long as 'deh belly full'.
So I suggest that regular civilians should take matters in to their own hands, diplomatically. We should form community groups, reach out to those around us, teach them, show them that this 'evil' in our once beautiful land is sinking our country. We are ALL going down with it. If we can't help each other, then God help us all. I am not advocating handouts, I am advocating sharing the excess where necessary, putting it towards a worthwhile use (whatever it maybe - building awareness, creating a community centre, establishing training programs) to help those in need make things better for themselves, teach them, educate them, find out what is needed to help their own community foster, rather than perish, show love, foster a country-wide spirit of respect for others, in all walks of life, but this must be done WITHOUT the help of our 'honourable' Government who only seem capable of laughing at the Opposition and making blanketed statements with no substance. So many institutions are rotten to the core: our Police Service!?! Oh Boy! We have to do things ourselves, find the evidence, make the cases, convict the criminals, we The Citizens will have to proactively prevent what's happening at the outset, and reactively curb this horror that's happening.

In such a small country it's amazing how noone knows where these criminals lie, could it be that noone wants to know? Or is it those who know are also in it? Hmmm

I am not saying vote back in the UNC or whoever else is around, but clearly, the PNM has shown that they are efficiently incompetant and if that is the case, then really and truly, Trinidadians are actually without good governance (a phrase my dear Prime Minister-sinister has used time and time again) So, what I am saying is 'TRINBAGONIANS!!! stand up and do something right and good for yourselves and your country. For once, stop laughing and making 'ole mas' out of everything. We can do this ourselves! If we cannot do it diplomatically, what's the next step, we all take up guns? Violence begets violence, let's not forget. Are we to end up like the scene in Lion King where years later, all that is left is a barren wasteland of scavengers? Greed is killing us all, only we can stop it. Stake your claim people, this is OUR country. Take a proactive role in your surrounding communities and you will take back your country, one area at a time, and then, only then, will this 'Government' listen to its people.

Private and public institutions, schools, parents, teachers, we ALL need to foster a community spirit and rid our land of this known evil that has taken a hold of our land.

"Sweet, sweet TnT, oh how I love up meh country!"

A Musician living in Canada

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