Wednesday, July 26, 2006


A ceasefire will be had, when the USA decides to end their puppetry. Every day new calls for a ceasefire are rumbling through the media, falling on the indifferent ears of the two key holders, brothers Bush and Blair. Public opinion stands for nothing in the eyes of opportunistic, sadistic, men like these two so-called leaders, leading the world to inevitable hatred and destruction. They believe when it’s all done, the “infidels”, the “uncivilised people” of the Middle Eastern nations, of the lower classes will suffer, but lo and behold, when the time comes, their crimes against humanity shall not go unpunished. Where will they escape to when holy war is waged against them?

We got a glimpse in to the blasé attitudes of both men, who are only important because they are too coward to realise the true essence of their stations, both men caught on record undermining the severity of the crisis between the Israelis and the Hezbollah group, showing utter disdain for the hundreds of innocent lives that are being ‘sacrificed’ to satiate the avarice of the USA, Blair being Bush’s bitch, unable to voice an opinion of his own, unable to stand up for his country, his people screaming at him every day to break the noose around his neck, Blair single-handedly embarrassing the sovereignty of his country, enraging the people he is supposed to represent and certainly not reflecting the emotions of public opinion.

These two men are playing a waiting game, the ceasefire will come when Rice irons out a good deal in favour of US foreign policy, when Syria and Iran decide to play ball with the US, when Bush shows the world that no matter what the peons think, he will do as he wishes because they have the military power to inflict injury to any nation, including the international United Nations, that stand in his way.

I feel pity for Tony Blair, for he has let down an entire country by is cowardice. I feel ashamed by the inaction of the EU states to ignore US bullying tactics and do what is right, to stand up for peace, the humane way. I applaud the French for getting their political hands dirty; I applaud Syria and Iran for standing their ground.

What we need is for the world to end the charade. How is it so plain for some to recognise that US foreign policy is ruining the equilibrium of the world? The USA is not the global father of this world we inhabit; their military muscle should not bring fear to any other sovereign nation, their dollar not the most important currency in existence. We are all inhabitants of this world, we are all responsible for the happiness of our brothers and sisters, however, we do not seek such at the expense of others. They enter our homes uninvited, assuming arrogantly that their opinion, their muscle is valued. Business is business, leave it at that.

Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah need to end the war.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Friday Night Politics

To what end does Mr Trevor Paul, who seems to be the only person alive to read, digest and make such a poignant decision on the life of another man, indeed the course of the Judicial and Constitutional integrity of Trinidad & Tobago, hundreds of files, in record-breaking time, act in expediting the arrest of Chief Justice Sharma?

It seems highly plausible the the Commissioner of Police based his decision to arrest the Chief Justice, not on the careful consideration and understanding of these so called files, months in the compiling, but on the ambiguity that existed in the mandate ordered by Justice Jones preventing the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr Wellington Virgil, in carrying out an arrest, Mr Paul swayed by opportunistic heavy handedness, sending other police officers to carry out the perverse deed. In that case, he should have gone himself to Fairways, the smartman that he pretends to be.

It would be courageously narrow-minded for any intelligent person to believe for any length of time that the Police cannot be ‘encouraged’ by the Government to carry out their duties, whether legally risqué or simply to fornicate the course of Justice to suit the needs of a required act, it being common knowledge that if yuh neighba is ah babylon, yuh could call him dong to sort out ah man on de block who givin yuh trouble. Why would we pretend to be surprised that this has taken place, someone in high office wanting something, and willing to use his muscle to get it?

Sadly, the only loser in this is Mr Paul, who seems to have not mastered the art of politisicing, being an officer of the Police, after all. He is a pawn, like the rest of us. Do not gawk Trinidad & Tobago; open your eyes to the BS taking place in our country. Let us demand accountability for this unecessary, blatantly defiant act that has now threatened the credibility of the highest Police office and has ruffled feathers for no reason.

Mr Sharma is still in his room, shivering, Mr Paul. Your confession sheds no light.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cuba - a stance

In our backyard, one of the most atrocious crimes to humanity is taking place, the blind eye being shown by strong, influential brothers and sisters widening the divide with their persistent non-chalance. The battle stage is set for a revolution of unimagined proportions as the world prepares, unfortunately, seemingly without intention of intervention, for USA v Castro. If you think the illegalities of Guantánamo are horrendous, inhumane and treacherously contradictory to any human rights laws established by so called developed nations, wait for the unleashing of $80m USD by the Bush Administration on the last bastion of successful socialism. A catastrophe has been announced and the world, not surprisingly, sits in bated breath for the show to begin.

This cannot be allowed to take place. Where are the lobbyists? The Bush Administration, by no coincidence, decided to ‘abide’ by the Geneva Convention and allow the human beings who are offered no recourse to life, prisoners existing in cages, tortured, under-nourished if fed at all, access to their human rights. What? The world has stood by and let this happen for countless years, the Cuban Government itself unable to defeat and purge the disgusting habits of the Government of the USA from their land. Upon the heels of this revelation, this gesture of concordance, nothing more than an obvious political smoke screen, comes the offering of the century: aid to the effect of $80m USD, to restore democracy to a land that has not known democracy for the last 50 odd years, a land whose life is a Socialist one, who has gained the respect of the international community, of Caricom, a country who has contributed immensely to the global cultural trends sweeping the world, (who doesn’t own a Che t-shirt?) who’s contribution to the medical field is unsurpassed in comparison to nations of its size, moreover, its imposed disposition, a Patria depended upon by many countries for the expertise of its doctors and nurses, a willing, if not usually the first nation to offer its people for humanitarian projects in Africa, South America and the Caribbean. Let us not forget the backbone of baseball – faux cricket – Cubans.

What does the world believe the Government of the USA will do when Castro is gone? I don’t recall any Cuban politician, or official representative asking for help from them, especially in establishing a proven failed political system, whose root begets some of the biggest problems we face today as a global society. Capitalism is a dangerous by product of human greed. Is this what the American Government want to install in Cuba? What business is it of theirs? Is this Bush’s last ‘achievement’ as a failed President? Hasn’t he done enough damage already, uprooted enough families, and killed enough people worldwide? Are we going to allow him to come in to our neighbourhood with a bag of sweets to start a process of decay?

I for one certainly hope that as a true Caribbean Community, we shall NOT let this take place. They have made their stance, the American government brandishing the only true WMD – USD - and we shall make ours. Let us unite, with the strength of our neighbouring South American Superpowers, yes, let us unite, Chavez, surely will not sit still at the thought of such a blatant threat to Cuba, a country that redefined the ideals of accepted social politics. A country that has proven that life does not have to imitate the emptiness of a land distraught by the ulcers of capitalism.

It is evident what the millions of wasted USD will be going towards. To wage war to satisfy decades of hurt American male pride is ghastly, but to sit back and let this happen in our backyard is even worse.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Warrior Inspiration

Amidst the current debate regarding the financial rewards bestowed upon the Soca Warriors, there has not been any impetus shown by the government to use the vehicle of current football euphoria as a means to implement initiatives that can bring true benefits to the ailing nation.

The players now have confirmation of a substantial monetary reward for their efforts, so the debate is now a moot point. The government has also pledged; on the back of the evidence of the unification, joy and exposure that World Cup participation creates; to ensure that every effort is made to ensure our qualification for 2010 in South Africa.

That is all good news for the Soca Warriors but what about using one of our greatest sporting achievements to lay down something meaningful for a nation ailing from the effects of crime and social depravation?

Some of the Warriors have mentioned that they will now be ploughing their rewards back into their community, in a classic case of “giving something back from whence they came” but our Ministries should be leading the way in this endeavour.

One suggestion would be to set up a nationwide youth football league in honour of those Warriors that made that initial step onto the world stage, as a means of fostering the community spirit that has been eroded from T&T society. This erosion is major factor in the development of a generation of criminals as well as the divisiveness that currently tears apart many segments of the population.

While we have leagues such as the school based Intercol for our youths, it is hardly all-encompassing and does not provide a team with which an entire community can identify and unite in common support. We are all aware of the benefit that sport provides in providing direction and discipline for youths that are so easily led down the criminal path, in a nation where the few social programmes that exist continually fail them. Imagine instead a team for which an underprivileged youth can aspire to play or the burgeoning excitement amongst fervent and united supporters of a clash between teams named after Shaka Hislop and Kelvin Jack?

But naming league teams after sporting heroes is not enough. It would be no different to the naming of DC-9 aircraft after our heroes of yesteryear. For this suggestion to be effective it will need the proper structure behind it where NGOs were involved and administration staff, technical directors, coaching and backroom staff and even officials were all drawn from the relevant community. Certainly the current Warriors will be involved in the capacity of ensuring a successful launch and consistent participation in the progress of this scheme. The spark generated from a community league can then be used to ignite other proposals as the needs and wants of the various communities will come to light and the community is then involved in the decision process as how best to solve them.

This type of initiative can be successful if managed properly and the country certainly has the funds to enable it to become a reality. There is also the major plus that from of this structured league, the next generation of Soca Warriors will emerge. This is the level that we have to be thinking upon if we are to address the factors that help create the criminal element or the social inequalities in T&T, so why not take the innovative step of using our beloved football as a means to helping eradicate the scourge that is inflicting this country?

Magnificent stadiums in Toruba do not produce athletes and foster the much needed community strength to overcome the ills of society, grass roots initiatives will do so. We can build the foundation and make our wonderful inclusion in the World Cup really mean something for our nation.

Oh, and a few suggestions for some of the teams: The Latapy Lads, The Yorke Youths, The Birchall Boys, The Sancho Sons… get the idea. Over to you Mr. Boynes, we have heard the plans for 2010, let us hear the plans for now, our communities await.

Sheldon Waithe